Wednesday, November 10, 2010

"City Square"

7" x 7"
Oil on hardboard
LaCrosse, Wisconsin

I ventured down and across the river about 30 miles from Winona for this painting. LaCrosse has a great downtown filled with many buildings just waiting to be painted. I can't wait to get my camera back there to scope out some new paintings.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

"Bar at Sunset"

6" x 14 1/4"
Oil on hardboard
Winona, Minnesota

A bar at sunset in downtown Winona. I came across this brilliantly deep yellow bar at the perfect time of sunset when the shadows from across the street were slicing across its length.

I'm not a car guy. Can anyone identify what make and model that car is? I couldn't venture a guess, but it looked nice.

Friday, November 5, 2010


5" x 5"
Oil on hardboard
Food. Fruit. Bananas. I really tried to stay as loose with the brushstrokes as possible. 

"Daddy & Glady"

I thought it would be fun to share with y'all. My 3-year-old wanted to paint with daddy the other day. So when I painted my watermelon paintings she used the same colors and made two small watermelon paintings for herself. It was a lot of fun to paint with my little girl.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


"Watermelon I"
6" x 7"
Oil on Hardboard
click here to make an offer on this painting
"Watermelon II"
6" x 7"
Oil on hardboard

I've been struggling to loosen up in my paintings a little bit. Trying to use the brush to really envoke more feeling into my paintings. So I mixed it up a bit and went with smaller closer-up subject's. Bring in the watermelon. To really work on being looser in brush-strokes. i think it worked in breaking me from the rut of trying to be too precise in my paintings. And they were a blast to paint too!

Monday, November 1, 2010


6" x 9"
Oil on hardboard
Winona, Minnesota

A daytime repair truck in the alley behind the Winona National Bank in Winona. Downtown. When I was a kid my mom used to take us to this bank and we were able to go look at the stuffed african safari animals on the second floor. I don't remember if we actually banked there or if we just went to see the animals. All of the animals were hunted and brought back by the owner or someone in their family.